How can cycling benefit your overall health?
Cycling can benefit everyone in many ways. In this blog we look at how cycling can help you stay healthy and contrary to popular belief it is not only the physical and exercise benefits which contributes to your overall health.
The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is know as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is produced in the skin from exposure to sunlight. There are foods that contain Vitamin D but getting out and about cycling is a surefire way to get exposure to sunlight and increase your body's vitamin D levels.
So how does Vitamin D help?
It is already widely known and proven that Vitamin D is essential for your bones and teeth. But there is evidence and lots of research going back over a decade that prove that Vitamin D helps your immune system against certain diseases such as flu and more recently coronavirus.
How much sunshine do I need?
Scientist have said that on average people need about 10 - 30 minutes of sunshine a day depending on the darkenss of your skin. Also if you use sunscreen or are cycling in built up or shady ares this means you would have to spend more time in the sun to achieve the recommend levels.
Getting out and about cycling can help you stay healthy. The benfits of cyclling are not only the physical side of the exercise but the outdoor element also.
In addition as per a previous blog article the feel good factor of exercise and being outdoors also boosts your overall well being and can helpo with stress, depression and focus.
See 7 Reason why cycling helps promote personal wellbeing
You can also take advantage of the many cycle to work schemes which will help you save at least 25% on a new bike.
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