It certainly can if you are currently driving to work and figures suggest on average you will reduce your carbon footprint by a tenth when switching from a car to a bike. If you use public transport this is significantly less.
Bicycles already come with a carbon footprint through their production and shipping. Velobello bikes are made in Europe so there carbon footprint is considerably less when comparing to bikes manufactured in Asia continents or indeed North America.
It is also worth noting that the carbon footprint in the production of a car is far far greater than that when producing a bike.
Figures suggest that the CO2 released during productioon and per km for a bicycle is just 16g and taking into account food being produced which is a cyclist fuel to propel the bike and 313g for a car including fuel.
Will cycling save the planet?
Cycling is one of the many ways that we can help reduce our carbon emissions. If the cycling boom (20% increase) continues it is estimated that by 2050 a 115 reduction in carbon emissions could be acheived.
The additional knock on effects of cycling should be quantified. Such as the reduction of infrastructure for vehicles like roads and car parks and indeed the reduction in fuelk usage would have also add to a reduction.
When talking about cycling and it's effects on the world we should also take into account the redution of other pollutants and the reduction in noise pollution.
The benefits of cycling are not only physical, cycling can also help improve mental health and wellbeing.
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